photo bird_left_zps4ccfbc98.pngThe Dan Galman photo rope_left_zpsfe7d3553.pngThe Dan Galman photo rope_right_zps61223ad4.pngThe Dan Galman photo birdright_zps1cab8373.png

New Year

Happy new year to everyone . . . that has the same birthday as I do! This year, for me, is one of the best for the reason that, various superb things happened to me.

But before a new year starts for me, I'm going to reminisce a few of the wonderful things that befell on me.

Last year I did a countdown when it was a week before my birthday, and now, I'm doing it again! Tara! Let's go back to yestermonths!

I discovered that Hunger Games was going to be a movie early this year, so I read the first book and got totally hooked in the whole series!

It's the blogger logo but I changed the "B" to "3" so it'll fit the whole countdown theme! I created a blog December last year, blogging has been part of my life since then.

Another memorable thing that occurred to me this year was when I learnt how to drive a bicycle! Ah, that night was truly memorable! Click here & here if you want to read my biking experiences!

Go to: Apple's Website

The photo's blurred (in a good way) but it's a photo I excitedly took while I was inside an airplane while waiting for take-off four or five months ago! It was only my second time to ride a plane that's why I still got excited!

Thank you Father for giving me a wonderful and an unforgettable year. Though some days this year it was hard to thank You we must recite 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and just trust in You, and Your plans for I know that Your plans are what is best for us!

That's all! Hope you had a nice time reading my looking backs! 

P.S. This isn't my new year article! I mean it is, but not my new year for all article!


  1. Have a happy birthday, Dan! Awesome year you've been having.

  2. Wow, you take great pictures! I like the blurry airplane one. I tagged you here in my post for an award. =)



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