photo bird_left_zps4ccfbc98.pngThe Dan Galman photo rope_left_zpsfe7d3553.pngThe Dan Galman photo rope_right_zps61223ad4.pngThe Dan Galman photo birdright_zps1cab8373.png

It's A New Year For Me Again!

I just want to break the silence!

More than a month ago I posted an article about my fourteenth year here on earth. Just days ago I also posted an article about this little kingdom reaching its first year! And now, here I am, again, writing something about this upcoming change of year. 

This is going to be the third time I'll be posting an article about "New year" so forgive me if I'm being redundant! *Laughs*

I already have reminisced some of my unforgettable experiences this year and I have decided not to do it again. So that being said I just made a drawing for this new year. Hope you like it! 

I haven't been posting a lot lately for the reason that I am busy and I can't think of anything worthy to post.



It makes me giddy when, I see my pageviews rising every time I make a new article. But I'll be giddier if you leave a comment, either a suggestion, question, compliment or a message.

(But please make your comments pleasant)

Please write a line, or two on the comment section. I'd be happy to answer!

Thanks for visiting my little kingdom.